Set Interval In JavaScript

Sometimes we need such functionality that a function can be run again after some time. One use case is that we have a clock and we need the time to be updated every second. And the second use case is that we are making an image slideshow or carousel and we need the image to change after every few seconds. In this use case we use the setInterval function.

    let date = new Date();

When we run the above function, it will keep printing the time in the console every second.

SetInterval: This function takes two arguments, the first argument is a function we need to run after each interval. The second argument is time which tells after how much time the passed function should be run again. Keep in mind that the time we pass as an argument is in milliseconds, hence 1000 is written in the above example. 1000 millisecond = 1 second
Now you will say that this function will run continuously, can it be stopped? What has been started can also be stopped. To stop setinterval function we use clearInterval function. This function takes the Interval Id as argument, because the clearInterval function needs to know which interval to stop. But now you might be asking, "Where do I find the interval Id?". Don't stress, it is very simple, whenever we run the setInterval function it returns the interval Id and we will store it in a variable and pass it to the clearInterval function.

let intervalId = setInterval(.....)


The above code was to give you a high level understanding of these functions, now I will try to explain these functions with a real life example.

Now we will create a web page which will have 2 elements, in it a div will show the time which will be updated every second, and a button which will stop updating the time on click.

<div class="clock">00:00</div>
<button class="button">Pause</button>
let clock = document.querySelector(".clock");
let button = document.querySelector(".button");

function changeDate() {
  let date = new Date();
  clock.innerText = date.toLocaleTimeString();

let interval = setInterval(changeDate, 1000);

function stopTime() {

button.addEventListener("click", stopTime);
  1. let clock = document.querySelector(".clock")

    • In this line we are selecting an element using querySelector whose class attribute's value is clock, its reference will be assigned to the clock variable.
  1. let button = document.querySelector(".button")

    • In this line we are selecting an element using querySelector whose class attribute's value is button, its reference will be assigned to the button variable.
  1. changeDate(){...}

    • This function will first create a new object of the Date class, and then the time returned from date.toLocaleTimeString() will be inserted into the inner text of the clock element.
  1. let interval = setInterval( changeDate , 1000);

    • In this line, in the setInterval function, we have passed the changeDate function that we need to run after every 1 second, the second argument is time (1000). This is 1000 milliseconds which is equal to 1 second. Meaning the function passed (i.e. change date) should run after every 1 second.

    • The setInterval function will start running immediately, and will return an interval ID that will be assigned to the interval variable.

  1. function stopTime(){...}

    • Whenever this function executes, it will call the clearInterval function passing the interval ID that is assigned to the interval variable. Running this will stop the interval started with the setInterval function, and stop the clock from updating the time.
  1. button.addEventListener("click", stopTime);**

    • In this line, we are adding an event listener to our button element, which will call the stoptime function when the button is pressed. Which eventually stops the clock updating the time.

In summary, the setInterval function in JavaScript is a powerful tool for executing code at specified intervals. It's particularly useful for tasks like updating clocks, creating animations, or automating repetitive processes on web pages. By understanding how setInterval works in conjunction with clearInterval, you gain control over the timing of your functions, ensuring they execute precisely when needed.

With practice and exploration, you'll master the art of timing in JavaScript, harnessing the setInterval function to enhance the functionality and user experience of your web applications.

Here's a link to the example code.

Keep coding, keep learning, and enjoy the journey of building with JavaScript!